The Park is an island in northwestern Lake Superior, fifty-six miles from the Michigan mainland, close to the borders with Minnesota (eighteen miles) and Canada. Boats or float-planes transport people to the island. From June to September boats travel from various communities to the island: Houghton to Rock Harbor; Copper Harbor to Rock Harbor on the Isle Royale Queen II; Grand Portage, MN, to Rock Harbor via Windigo; and The Voyageur II transports passengers to various points around the island. Seaplane service is available during the Summer from Houghton.
The Island Park is closed November 1 to April 15. Peak visitor month is August. Climate: January, -11 to 11 degrees F; July, 50 to 68 degrees F. Summers are cool, and Winters are very cold. Lake Superior is the coldest of the Great Lakes.
This forested island, the largest in Lake Superior, is distinguished by its wilderness character, timber wolves, moose herd, and pre-Columbian copper mines. The moose arrived in the early 1900s by swimming to the island. The wolves arrived in 1949 by walking across the frozen ice on Lake Superior.
No vehicles of any type are permitted on the island. The country is rough and untamed. Hiking trails may be shared with moose and wolves. Beavers live in the ponds. One-day visits to Rock Harbor or Windigo are possible, but most visitors come to stay for one to five days. Campers must pack in supplies and take out refuse. Water must be boiled for two minutes. The island has 165 miles of trails. Rock Harbor Lodge provides overnight accommodations inside the Park. Supplies, food, and other accommodations are available from surrounding communities on the mainland.